We take a bottom-line approach to each project. Our clients consistently see increased traffic, enhanced brand loyalty and new leads thanks to our work.

Leading Company in N.D.T., Heat Treatments, Inspections and Welding Services

Our company is firmly committed to obtaining all the necessary certifications to ensure the highest quality in the services we provide. Our dedication to compliance and excellence is a key pillar of our corporate mission.

What is accreditation?

It is an attestation or certification by the national accreditation body certifying that a conformity assessment body satisfies the criteria established by harmonised standards and, where appropriate, any other supplementary requirements including those defined in the relevant sector programmes, for conducting specific conformity assessment activities.

Metalprove S.r.l. is accredited by ACCREDIA, the Italian National Accreditation Body, as Testing Laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard for Non-Destructive Testing VT – PT – MT – RT – UT – PA – TOFD.

Since 1999 Metalprove S.r.l. has implemented a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 standard for all company activities.

Metalprove S.r.l. is certified by Italian Naval Register (RINA) for the supply of thickness measurements and performance of non-destructive tests on ships.

All technical staff in Metalprove S.r.l. has a certificate of approval by Recognized Third Party according to section 3.1.3. of Annex 1 of Directive 97/23/EC (PED) to perform Non-Destructive Testing of permanent joints of pressure equipment classed in III and IV categories.